Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Sleepwalking Shooter

Now I myself don't sleepwalk, but I know a couple people who do; I have never ever known anyone to be such an epic fail as Sandford Rothman, a 63 year old man from Boulder Colorado.

The story goes that he woke up to 'a bang' and found he had shot himself in the knee whilst sleepwalking. 

But the thing is, if you were a sleepwalker why would you keep a gun accessible to yourself in your sleep?!

And another thing is that this guy wasn't even drunk or high, even though he does take medication for pain (I bet he'd need to up his dosage after this particular incident!).

But at least this guy isn't alone, it appears that loads of people have had unpleasant (though hilarious) gun experiences when they perhaps weren't paying quite enough attention...

Take Florida resident Daniel McDaniels (and yes that is his real name) for example; he managed to shoot himself in the FACE whilst trying to fight off a skunk.
The round went through the fingers of McDaniel's right hand before entering his left cheek and lodging itself in his head.

Or 52 year old Darrel Elam, Washington, who shot himself whilst his gun was in his very own back pocket.The reckless walker thought it would make his trek more comfortable to take his handgun out of its holster and keep it in his back pocket instead. 
After moving the .40-caliber weapon he then managed to fire a bullet down his left buttock and left leg before it came to rest just above his knee.

So I think the moral of these stories is, if you're going to be stupid enough to own a gun, at least try to use it competently.

You can read more about these stories at:

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